
General City Information

The Astrakhan region of Russia occupies 44,000 square kilometers of territory adjacent to the northeastern shoreline of the Caspian Sea. The region's center is the city of Astrakhan, with a population of over 500,000 (half of the region's total).

Astrakhan's location at the mouth of the Volga River where it enters the Caspian Sea makes it an important hub, linking Russia to Central Asia and the rest of Europe via the Volga River and the Black Sea. Astrakhan is linked to other cities of the region via roads and railroads. The region's international airport is undergoing refurbishment and modernization, a project which represents investment and export opportunities for foreign companies.

Maritime activity and related industries are still an important part of the region's economy, while the agricultural and petrochemical industries are also prominent economic features.

Astrakhan is a cultural center, too. There are 5 universities (Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan Teacher Training University, Astrakhan Medical Academy, Astrakhan Engineering Institute and Astrakhan Conservatory) and more than 30 branches of other higher education establishments.

In the 17th century, when the city was developed as a Russian gate to the Orient, many merchants from Armenia, Persia, India and Khiva settled in the downtown, giving it a multinational and variegated character. The Russians, the Kazakhs, the Tartars, the Ukrainians, the Kalmyks, the Jews, the Armenians, the Turks... More than 150 nationalities and ethnic groups currently are peacefully neighbouring under Astrakhan sky.

In Astrakhan you can find five theatres, several museums presenting local lore and native traditions and a picture gallery.

Astrakhan's kremlin was built from the 1580s to the 1620s from bricks pillaged at the site of Sarai Berke. Its two impressive cathedrals were consecrated in 1700 and 1710, respectively. Built by masters from Yaroslavl, they retain many traditional features of Russian church architecture, while their exterior decoration is definitely baroque.

The Astrakhan State Reserve is located in the delta of the Volga river. It is one of the oldest and most beautiful in the country, founded in 1919. Flora and fauna of Astrakhan region is unique. Various species of fish, birds and animals can be found here. Among them are Dalmatian pelican, mute swan, pheasant, sturgeons and others.

But one of the first things that people associate with Astrakhan is lotus, the most beautiful wonder-flower growing in the Volga delta and its lowlands. Lotus fields occupy 5 thousand hectares in delta.

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